Sunday, January 29, 2012


I just moved to California from Utah just over four weeks ago. I left my family, (two) good jobs, great friends and a nice living situation. I left all of these things because I needed a change. My life was "uncomfortably" comfortable. To some this doesn't make sense, but to me, I need personal growth in order to feel that my life is progressing. I've always wanted to live in California so I figured now was as good as time as any to make the move. Once I made up my mind to move here, I found a job right away and packed up my things to head to the sun. I found a place to live the first week I moved here with four other girls. I live right next to the beach. Life couldn't get any better right? One would think, but I've actually struggled with the change.

The first week I cried every day. I was homesick and I had no routine whatsoever. The second week got better because I had a place to live and I was focused on getting settled. But since the third week, I've battled a new set of challenges. Challenges that I didn't expect. I'm usually an easy going and happy person, but lately I've become irritable, frustrated, and sad...A LOT. So much that I can't stand to be around my own self, let alone expect anyone else to want to be around me. I've been pondering why I feel so off. These are some reasons I've come up with:

1. I don't have any girlfriends that I connect with to go have girl time or talk to.
2. I don't have a completed routine yet.
3. I don't have any hobbies to keep me busy at night, such as doing hair or working on various projects.
4. I feel physically out of shape.
5. My spiritual life has been luke warm.
6. I'm homesick.
7. I have unrealistic expectations

I'm a person that does very well with setting goals and making checklists of ways to reach those goals. They give me purpose and a feeling of self-accomplishment. Below I've listed a few ideas for each area that I feel that I'm lacking as a starting point.

Making girlfriends
1. Go to family home evening
2. Arrange with Lisa and Sara a night to go to get nails/massage done
3. Get to know my roommates

Daily Routine
1. List out things that I would like to accomplish daily and layout out a plan of how to succeed

1. Make a list of things that interest me and find ways to work them in my life
2. Find good quotes and look on pinterest for ideas on how to display the quotes in a form of art
3. Research classes for things I'm interested in and sign up for at least one

1. Work out 4-5 days a week
2. Follow diet in 17 day diet book

1. Read at least 1 chapter a day in the book of mormon
2. Find a reading schedule online to completed book of mormon in 2 months.
3. Say morning and night prayers.
4. Listen to at least on church talk per week

1. Write a letter and send a package to Jimmy
2. Write a letter to my parents/grandparents to thank them for all they do for me
3. Go home and visit family

1. Limit my expectations to only those that are necessary
2. The only person I should rely on for anything is myself and my Heavenly Father
3. Write down a list of things I am grateful for every day
4. Write down at least one thing I accomplish every day

As I'm reading through this checklist I'm realizing that the overall message is that I need to focus on being my own best friend. I am too hard on myself, and I rely on others and the distractions of the world to help me avoid myself. I think it makes me happy, and all those things contribute to me being happy, but in all reality, the happiness has to come within. I'm grateful that I have a Heavenly Father who is mindful of me and is helping me recognize where I have room to become stronger.

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